Since I was a little kid I knew I was different. Yes, I had a few friends, but I preferred to spend most of my time exploring outside by myself, or sitting alone reading. As I continued in school, I got really good grades. I was the “smart kid.” I socialized with others, but I […]
What Freelance Writers Must Know About Inbound Marketing
Marketing is a key task for freelance writers: the quantity and pay of the assignments we land determines how much we earn. However, too many freelancers spend too much time contacting potential clients and filling out applications online. In recent years, my best clients have found me, and they found me through inbound marketing. But […]
Nine Key Steps to Freelance Success on LinkedIn
You know that I’m a strong advocate of freelance writers using LinkedIn. I’m back beating the drum again — if you’re not making the most of LinkedIn, you’re missing out on some quality writing assignments. That’s why I’m sharing great graphic from the sharp folks at mindflash. It gives you the nine key steps you […]
Claiming Copyright Protection for Your E-Book
Whether you’ve already written an e-book or you are just thinking about it, you’ve certainly had concerns about whether or not unscrupulous people will distribute or download your e-book for free and thus violate your copyright. Of course, in this digital world it’s very difficult to prevent someone who has your e-book from either e-mailing […]
Wikipedia, Encyclopedia Britannica, and Freelance Writers
Freelance writers doing research on the Internet often turn to Wikipedia to get started. Recently the Encylopedia Britannica, the 32-volume print monster, announced that it would no longer issue print editions and would only have an online version — although you can still access older print versions at the library. Thanks to Open-Site for creating […]
The Well-Organized Freelance Writer’s Home Office
Whether you are blessed with a home office or need to use a portion of another room, you need to organize your freelance writing space so that you are as productive as possible when you write. A Freelance Writer’s Office and Desk Need to Be Organized! Some people argue that having a messy desk and […]
Is a College Education Necessary to Be a Successful Freelance Writer?
Is having a college degree/college education necessary for a successful career as a freelance writer? My college degrees have been crucial for my writing career, but… I know several very successful freelance writers who don’t have college degrees. Let’s discuss… How My College Degrees Helped My Freelance Writing Career I’m a bit of a special […]
Freelance Writer’s Guide to Library Research
All freelance writers have to research information for magazine and newspaper articles, or for writing projects they’re doing for business clients. True, freelance writers can do research the Internet, but sometimes important information just isn’t there and — gasp! — you’ll need to find information in actual print. But before you head out the door… […]
Why Choosing the Right Words Matters
As writers we always seek the best way to say something, the best words to convey our meaning and trigger a response in our readers. It could be a lead for an article, it could be a title of a blog post, or it could be a headline on a sales page. This video really […]
Six Tips for Marketing Your Freelance Writing from Lori Widmer
Lori Widmer is one of my absolute favorite freelance writing bloggers. She has a successful freelance career and she shares her experience and advice at her Words on the Page blog and at her membership site AboutWritingSquared. Lori just released Marketing 365: Daily Strategies for Entrepreneurs and Small Business, which I read ravenously as soon […]
Why My Freelance Writer Resume Needed Updating
Well, I updated my freelance writer resume for two very good reasons: I had a bunch of new projects to add, and I wanted to make it more attractive to search engines, especially the big G. My Freelance Writer Resume Focuses on My Main Niche For those of you who don’t know it, my main […]
My Favorite Productive Writers Posts of 2011
2011 was a great year for me as a freelance writer, as a blogger, and as a person doing his best to enjoy life. I had a lot of fun selecting these posts. I hope you enjoy them! And my deepest thanks to all of you who visit May you all have a happy […]
2011 Social Media Statistics and Your Plans for 2012
Social media continued its rapid growth in 2011. Many freelance writers are active users of social media, me included. In 2011 I focused on this blog, Twitter, and Linkedin, with some attention to Google+. 2011 Social Media Statistics Infographic Mat Siltala over at Dream Systems Media made a very cool infographic from data presented over […]
Improve Your Freelance Writing Business Now…
Post author Linda Formichelli is a top freelance writer and also a den mother alongside Carol Tice at the Freelance Writers Den. Take It Away Linda… People always ask me how I get so much done: I’m a highly diversified writer who is the main breadwinner for her family, I teach online courses, and I’m […]
Writer, Unleash Your Inner Honey Badger!
We freelance writers deal with adversity daily. It’s hard to keep plugging away, sending queries, making cold calls, updating your website. Sometimes you just want to crawl into bed and just stay there. But don’t. Instead… Unleash Your Inner Honey Badger! Yes, it’s my first-ever post where I tell you to be just like someone […]
8 Ways to Back Up Your Computer Files
Highly productive people — and that should include you — always prepare for potential problems. One problem likely to happen to most freelance writers eventually: loss of computer files, which could be anything from an article you just wrote, but haven’t sent to your editor yet, all the way to that novel you’ve been working […]
All Your Writing Clips on One Site: Review and Interview
Freelance writers, journalists, and bloggers need to show editors and prospect clients examples of their work. It can be a hassle though — you have to attach clips to an e-mail, or put them up on your own website, or try to direct that editor/client to several different websites. But British journalist and fellow freelancer […]
Why Freelance Writers Must Be On LinkedIn
Freelance writers who want successful writing careers must be on LinkedIn. I know some of you reading this are already there, but even if you are, do you take full advantage of the site? How LinkedIn Helps Freelance Writers I’ve gotten assignments from editors and companies that have found me on LinkedIn, and I know […]
Should You Edit As You Write?
Should you edit as you write? It’s a question every freelance writer must ask, and there is no set answer. It truly is a personal preference — you just must do what works best for you. All Writers Are Editors You don’t have to be a perfect editor, but you can’t count on others to […]
Top Speed Reading Techniques to Boost Your Productivity
Speed reading is a key time-management skill that boosts your productivity. When you read faster with a high level of comprehension, you have more time for making money in your business or profession, or for doing anything else you want to do. If you are like most people, you read 250-300 words a minute. By […]
My Interview With Carol Tice About Freelance Writing
Last July I was interviewed by Carol Tice of the Freelance Writers Den about my main freelance specialty — writing college textbook supplements and other educational materials — and also about my best productivity techniques for writers. I wrote back then that I’d eventually provide you with the audio interview, and now I’m fulfilling that […]
How to Minimize Interruptions So You Can Get Your Writing Done
Whenever something interrupts you from your writing, your concentration is broken and you lose time as your mind tries to recover that productive state you were in. And, of course, you also lose time dealing with whatever distracted you. Good time management is a top priority here at Productive Writers, so let’s discuss the major […]
Seven Key Steps for Finding, Evaluating, and Implementing Good Ideas
“The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas.” — Linus Pauling. As writers, we all want good ideas about what freelance projects to pursue and what else to write — nonfiction books, e-books, a novel. And we also want good ideas about what to do in the other important […]
Writing Ergonomics: Top Tips for Proper Posture, Alignment, and Movement
Authors and everyone who writes or works at a computer needs to pay attention to proper body posture/position, alignment, and movement — if you want to be a faster writer and be a happier writer, you must learn about writing ergonomics. What Is Writing Ergonomics? Ergonomics is the science of work. When specifically applied to […]
My Review of Carol Tice’s Freelance Writers Den Membership Site
Carol Tice’s Freelance Writers Den is a membership site dedicated to helping people serious about freelance writing increase their chances of success. The site opened a few weeks ago, and since I’ve been an active member since the get-go, I’ve watched closely what Carol has done — and I’m quite impressed. In this review I […]