Carol Tice’s Freelance Writers Den is a membership site dedicated to helping people serious about freelance writing increase their chances of success. The site opened in July 2011, and as a charter member and then as a moderator, I’ve watched closely what Carol has done — and I’m quite impressed. In this review I explain what’s inside the membership site and who would most benefit from it.
What’s Inside The Freelance Writers Den
Live Events Focused on Freelance Writing
There are currently 2-3 live events per month for members. Most feature interviews with prominent writers and experts, and there’s always plenty of time for Q & A with listeners. All Den members get links to recordings of the events. (And I’m one of the people she’s already interviewed.)
Here’s a sample:
- How to Write Video Scripts
- How to Work with Agencies
- Ask an Editor
Online Courses for Freelance Writers
The Den has over a dozen courses, each several hours long, most with transcripts and handouts you can download. Here are some of my favorites:
- Freelance Business Bootcamp
- Step by Step Guide to Freelance Writing Success
- Learn to Write White Papers
- How to Write Case Studies
- How to Write a Sales Page
- How to Get Great Clients
- Get Big $$ Gigs in PR
- How to Get Great Clients
- Break Into Business Writing
- How to Be a Well-Paid Blogger
- How to Use Social Media to Get Freelance Writing Gigs
- Overcoming Fear and Finding Inspiration
- Earn Big with E-Learning
- Email Copywriting that Wows Clients
- Move Up to Ghostwriting Books
- And more…
Important Freelance Writing Resources
You’ll find a wide variety of tools to help you. Need to create a contract? There are sample contracts in the Den. Need sample query letters and letters of introduction? Got those, too.
Who Teaches Freelance Writers Den Live Events and Online Courses?
Some top-notch people, that’s who. Here’s a partial list. I’m sure you’ll recognize many of the names:
- Linda Formichelli
- Peter Bowerman
- Ed Gandia
- Steve Slaunwhite
- Danny Iny
- Chris Marlow
- Sean Platt
- Jeff Goins
- Laura Spencer
- And dozens more…
Very Active Forums Help You Develop as a Freelance Writer
I’ve been quite surprised at the high level of activity in the forums. There are several new threads every day, and it’s common to have a 5, 10, or more replies on any given day. Writers are asking for help in finding new markets, time management, and much more — and they’re getting good answers.
And you can ask anything you want, from how to write a good query letter (we’ll review them), to how to find the best clients, to how to create a great website. You can even request a thorough review of your website and get specific instructions about how to improve it.
Some recent forum discussions:
- “How to rewrite my writer resume?”
- “How do you determine what rates your prospective target market can bear?”
- “How Essential is a College Degree”
- “Writing a Proposal”
How Active Is Carol Tice Inside The Freelance Writers Den?
So far — very, very active. She’s delivered on all the events and courses discussed above, and as of this writing, she’s posted over 13,000 times in the forums. That over four times as many as my 2700-plus posts.
Who’s Inside The Freelance Writers Den?
There’s an excellent mix of beginning writers, writers who are well on the way to launching a successful career, and quite a few very successful freelance writers.
One of my favorite people is fellow moderator M. Sharon Baker. She’s an experienced freelance writer, and she gives great advice in the forums, in addition to hosting some live meetings and helping teach a few of the workshops.
Who Should Join The Freelance Writers Den?
Anyone who is truly serious about making a decent income as a freelance writer and who has an open mind and a willingness to learn — and is ready to apply that learning. And it’s not just for beginners. All freelance writers, even people like me who have been doing it for decades, can improve their marketing and writing skills. And I really appreciate having other writers to talk to and just hang out with.
And If You Don’t Like It, It’s Easy to Leave…
It’s 40 bucks a month, month to month — no initiation fees or sign-up fees. If you ever feel you aren’t getting the value, you can easily leave.
Finally, I’m an affiliate (rare situation for me). If you click my link and join, I make money.
Any Questions?
If this post and the Freelance Writers Den website haven’t answered all your questions, then ask below and I’ll answer or get Carol to answer.
Thanks for including me in the list of people who teach courses.
I’ve been a member of Carol Tice’s Freelance Writers Den for several years now, and I have to say I’m not disappointed. Even if you only use a small part of the resources there, it is still well worth it.
I agree, Laura. There are many resources I haven’t yet touched that I know will benefit me greatly.
Im reading about Carol Tice’s Freelance Writers Den for the first time. I wish i knew about them earlier on before i started my blog, I’m pretty sure I would be writing better by now.
Thanks for sharing
Join while it’s still open, Noah. You’ll definitely find lots of ways to improve your writing and marketing skills.
I am still beginning to learn freelance writing and I have been looking at this Den for awhile now and I’ve thinking about it. I know that Den could the help people improve their writing skills and help find clients. I know that you can post your information to find clients and all on that website. But especially, with my last sentence, my apologies, is it really legit that you can actually get GOOD paying clients just from that website? My apologies, Carol is great with her advice in freelance writing, but I’m still a bit skeptical about the den.
The Freelance Writers Den does have a job board with gigs that pay reasonably well; however, the main strengths of the Den lie in the wide variety of materials that show you how to get really good clients and how to succeed at specific types of writing, and also in the detailed feedback you get in the forums.
You can always try it for a month. If it doesn’t suit you, you can easily cancel.
Hey, John!
I’m reading first time the Carol Tice’s Freelance writing den review. Actually, Live event and active forum make this membership more beneficial.
Thanks for the review man! 🙂
-Ravijit Chavda