I recently returned from a five-week vacation in Costa Rica. I can happily report that I’m tanned, rested, and ready to get back to freelance writing and blogging.
Why Costa Rica? For starters, it has a great combination of natural beauty, friendly people, modern infrastructure, and a reasonably efficient economy and government. Also, I wanted to visit a country with a tropical jungle where I could see monkeys and lots of pretty birds and butterflies. Costa Rica!
Where I Went
My trip had two main phases. I spent roughly the first two weeks in the small town of Orosi about an hour southeast of the capital, San Jose. Orosi is a true Tico (Costa Rican) town. It has relatively few travelers or foreign residents, and the economy primarily revolves around agriculture. I studied Spanish here for two weeks, with three hours of private lessons Monday through Friday. I also took several long hikes in the surrounding mountains, where I walked past small coffee and citrus farms and got to practice my Spanish with the locals.
I chose to spend my remaining time on the southern Caribbean coast, primarily in Puerto Viejo and Cahuita. I did another week of private Spanish lessons, but I mostly explored the surrounding jungle and made sure I had at least one long swim every day.
What I Love Most About Costa Rica
Green, Green Everywhere
While parts of the north are dry, most of the country gets lots and lots of rain, which means everywhere you look it’s green, green, green.

Howler Monkeys
These guys pretty much stay in the trees. And every morning in Puerto Viejo I could hear them roaring in the jungle. They’re loud!

The Birds
So many, and so many colors, shapes, sizes.
Fellow Travelers
My very understanding life partner Stephanie was fine with me traveling alone. (She had to work.) I was very fortunate to meet many interesting travelers along the way: Jasmin from Switzerland, Brenda from England, Bill from New Mexico, and many others from Canada, the U.S., Germany, France, and other places. Many interesting conversations and adventures, plus I got to take a little of the rust off my German.
How Much Costa Ricans Love Their Children
Kids get lots of love here. Mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, grandparents, friends – everybody plays with the kids, hugs them, talks to them. I was especially surprised at just how engaged fathers are with their kids.
Watching the Super Bowl – in Spanish
At the Hot Rocks bar in Puerto Viejo. I was with an intelligent British woman who knew nothing about American football. She caught on quickly, but it was interesting having to go all the way back to “the team with the ball has four tries to go ten yards.” She thought Seattle should have won.
The Warm Caribbean
I love swimming in a warm ocean, especially when the waves are on the big side. I definitely got my wish on this trip. The Caribbean has some of its biggest waves this time of year, so I had plenty of opportunity to get thrashed in the surf zone and to ride the big elevator waves beyond the surf zone. I did some body surfing, but this was limited because the waves were usually too big or too choppy. I also tried regular board surfing for the first time. I thought I’d be a natural, but it’s much harder than it looks. (The damned board is extremely tippy.)

The Tico Work Ethic
Costa Ricans work. And if they don’t have a steady job, they go into sales. I saw a young man on a bus give a great pitch for toothbrushes at two bucks a pop, and he sold several. In Orosi, another guy went door to door selling onions. And many people sell lottery tickets on the street.
Learning Spanish
I’ve mostly studied Spanish on my own, off and on over the years. I still feel like I’m in a mental straight jacket when I speak, but I made it through almost all of the grammar ( through present subjunctive for those of you who know what I’m talking about).
Pura Vida
Pura Vida means “pure life” in Spanish. It’s used as a greeting and as an expression. But it’s much more than that: it also encapsulates Costa Ricans’ love of life itself. It’s no surprise that global studies of happiness usually have Costa Rica in the number-one spot.

And What About My Freelance Writing Career?
January and February are usually slow months for textbook supplement writers. I finished the last of several projects from late 2014 right before leaving, so I was primed for some time off. I am back at work now, although I’ve found that five weeks of no writing in English combined with five weeks of learning Spanish has hurt my ability to write well. Hopefully this will change soon, but I think the language circuits in my brain are growing and rearranging to accommodate Spanish, so we’ll see.
Your Take
Have you been to Costa Rica? What were your experiences? Haven’t been, but want to go? Share your thoughts in the comments.
Welcome back, John! The photos are gorgeous. The closest I’ve gotten to Costa Rica was a client with a wellness center located there. 🙂 So, I’ve seen (and used) lots of photos of its beautiful greenery. Talk about the perfect spot for a wellness center!
Cathy, I saw many a wellness center in Costa Rica, especially on the southern Caribbean coast. It’s a booming business aimed primarily at visitors.
John, those photos are absolutely breathtaking! I haven’t been to Costa Rica, but it’s on my to visit list. My wife and I spent my 50th in St. Thomas last August, but after visiting there we should have opted for another destination, like Costa Rica. With all the footage you have, I’m sure you could sell some travel pieces.
Janet, I really loved being on the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica. It allowed me to get some Caribbean flavor (the food, Reggae) while still being in CR.
John, Costa Rica is on my list for sure.
Love how you’ve arranged your freelancing so you can take significant time off.
Anne, I hope you put it number 1 on your list. It’s a magical place!
John, wow, the photos—lovely. (And I’ve had my own challenges trying to surf.) Love to get to Costa Rica sometime; we all need some Pura Vida.
Welcome back!
Tom, the great thing is that most Costa Ricans really do embody Pura Vida.
Excelente, Juan! I have not been back since my youthful epic sojourn of ’76.
Maybe it’s time for a return trip!
Cool! I didn’t get to the Pacific Coast where Punta Arenas is located, but I plan to on my next trip.
Glad your back John.
Those photos are absolutely gorgeous. You’re a heck of a photographer!
Thanks Jenn. I really enjoy taking pics.
Wow! Looks like you had a fabulous vacation and I think your photos are great. I’m lucky enough to live in Gambia and I can see many similarities even though Costa Rica and Gambia are a long way apart.
In particular, I think Gambians and Costa Ricans have a similar work ethic – they are very versatile in how they make their living and most are developing several sources of income. But they also know when to stop and relax!
I’ve only been to North Africa, and that was a long time ago. Maybe I’ll make it back to Africa some day. If I do, I’ll be sure to consider Gambia.
Welcome back!
Your photos are gorgeous. Thanks for sharing them.
I’m glad you had a good time. 🙂
I’m sure you’ll get back in writing mode in no time at all.
Thanks for the kind words about the photos. I assume my writing chops will come back, but I really have noticed a decline.
Hi John,
Photos were really cool, now Costa Rica is on my visit list. Early of April I’m flying to South Africa on vacation trip, I’m sure that I will vist Kirstenbosch botanical garden.
Thanks for photos and made my vist list more beautiful…
Welcome back, John. I’ve not been, but I’ve heard (and now I see) it’s stunning.
That first image is absolutely incredible! Wish where I live was half a beautiful!
I visited in the month of January. No doubt Costa Rica is beautiful and i also found in love. Peoples of Costa Rica are very social and humble. Very nice and informative article. Looking to see more post in future. God bless you.
Glad to see other writers spending time in Costa Rica. I’d suggest that, for greenery and especially beaches, you consider Nicaragua as the up-and-coming destination. It is not as popular with location independent folks but it is more affordable and a better investment IMO.