I’m going to Costa Rica for 5 weeks. That’s why!
And it’s going to be a true vacation: no work and very little time on the Internet.
My only connection to the wider world will be through my Kindle Fire HD 7, and that’s only when I’m around a wireless connection AND I feel there is truly an important need to get online. I’ll be checking email, doing a little bit of sharing on Facebook and Twitter, and investigating cool places to visit in Costa Rica, but that’s it. I’m thinking maybe 2-3 times a week for a half hour or so.
What Did I Do to Deserve So Much Time Off?
Well, there doesn’t have to be a good reason. However, I’ve been working on several large projects since the middle of August, and I just completed the last of them. I made enough money in that time period to pay for an entire year’s worth of expenses, so I decided I needed to get away to someplace beautiful and peaceful so I can recharge my physical, mental, and spiritual energy.
When Will I Post Again?
I’ll be back in the middle of February and I’ll get a new post out by the end of the month. I’ll shoot for the third week of February, but I don’t yet know what my work schedule will be when I return.
Some of my favorite PW Posts…
Comprehensive Guide to Setting Freelance Writing Goals
19 Successful Freelance Writers Share Their Top Goals for 2014
How to Align Your Writing Income with Your Career Goals
8 Time Management Techniques for Successful Writers
Four Reasons Why Freelance Writers Should Specialize
The Top 27 Ways to Boost Your Writing Willpower
Your Take
Feel free to share any thoughts about vacations or blogging breaks, and also any specific things you think I should do in Costa Rica.
Wow, lucky you, John!! Costa Rica is someplace I’ve *always* wanted to visit. Enjoy your *much* deserved respite and thanks again for all the great info you share with writers like me throughout the year.
Thank you Lori!
I hope you get to Costa Rica someday.
Have fun John! What a lovely way to spend your break. I hope you’ll share a few photos with us when you return. 🙂
Thanks Jennifer. I’ll definitely be taking lots of pics!
Color me green, John, and have a wonderful time.
Will do Anne!
John, Costa Rica, yes! That’s been on my list for a while. Have a great time (and please leave the place tidy for my visit).
I’ll try not to make too big of a mess Tom!
Getting some dental work done while you’re there? That’s what I’d do!
There’s a highway running out of the town of Puntarenas (Pacific Ocean side) and monkeys were getting killed by cars every time they crossed it so a woman who lives on one side began feeding them to keep them on the one side of the highway. We visited her place and feeding and photographing the monkeys was a highlight for me.
Don’t miss the crocodile tour on the Tarcoles River. The man steering the boat got out and started teasing a crocodile with raw chicken. It made for good photo opportunities but I couldn’t decide if he was really brave or really stupid!
Have fun on your trip!
Thanks for the great tips Cheryl. I plan to spend a lot of time on the Pacific side.
And I plan to give all crocodiles a wide berth.
Have a great holiday! Love your work and all the great ideas you keep sharing.
Unwind, relax and zone out!! Don’t give in to the itch to spend more than 20 minutes on the kindle on any day!! That all I can say.
Thank you Inderpreet! I don’t plan on using the Kindle much. Most of my reading will still be from print books.
I’ve just taken one such break myself, but mine was 6 weeks long. Are you jealous? 😀
John, enjoy and have a glorious time.
Thank you Marcie!
Hey John,
You deserve it – since you are working from mid-August and since you have completed them (yay!). And you’ve earned enough money too – sounds so cool.
Hope you enjoy the vacation.
Thanks Jane!
Fabulous, John. Enjoy! Can’t wait to see the photos. Safe travels. 🙂
Just charged the camera battery!